Nevada Bar, Lounge and Store Tokens
Franklin Proof
Silver Proof Tokens
MGM Grand Fight Tokens
Hologram & Special Tokens
Silver Strikes / Silver Rounds
Nevada Casino Chips
California / Northwest
Atlantic City / Northeast
Cruise Ships / Gambling Boats
Error Tokens
Sample / Promotional Tokens
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Token History
Nevada Token Approvals
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This page will include information about token
checklists and books.
Nevada Gaming Tokens - A
Comprehensive List of Gaming Tokens from Nevada with Values - Second Edition. I
have combined information from a number of sources, including Janice
O'Neal's token lists, Howard Herz' Gaming Token Inventory, the Platinum
Collection, Earl Donley's List of the World's Gaming Tokens book, Phil
Jensen's personal collection, Don and Jeans token books, the Nevada
Gaming Commissions approval list, and my own personal collection. The book
contains all tokens from Nevada, both casino and route tokens. Trial
strikes, prototypes, proof tokens, Holograms, and high denomination tokens
are included. Some of these tokens may not exist, or maybe only one
sample was made, due to an establishment not opening, or the token being
denied for some reason.
It also includes value for the tokens. This is
something I have been asked about several times. I used my own
pricing, and information from other collectors/experts to come up with
prices on the more rare pieces.
In this second edition of the book, I added 84
new casino tokens, and 13 additional route tokens. In addition to the
new tokens, I updated or corrected information on over 600 other tokens.
The book is priced at $25, plus postage which is
A List of the Worlds Gaming Tokens, written, compiled and published by
Earl Donley. Earl has given me permission to sell copies of his
token book. The version I will be selling is the 18th issue, dated
July 2006. The book contains over 12,850 entries. There are 4
sections in the book, Regular Tokens, No Cash Value Tokens, Silver Strike
Tokens, and Cruise Ship Tokens. There are over 240 pages of
information in this book. The price of the book is $35, which includes
shipping within the United States.
If purchased, you will receive the entire book,
duplex printed, and three hole punched. All you will need to provide
is a 3 ring binder to store the book.
Jerry and Janice O'Neal have given me permission to sell their token lists on
my web site. These lists are the most comprehensive token lists that I
know of. Like most reference lists, they don't contain absolutely
everything, but there are very close. I can deliver these lists in
either paper, or electronically as a PDF.
- Nevada Casino Tokens - $6
- Nevada Bar and Lounge Tokens - $4
- Nevada Store Tokens - $3
- Deadwood, South Dakota Tokens - $3
- Colorado Tokens- $3
- Indian Tokens - $4
- Riverboat Tokens - $4
- Miscellaneous Tokens - $3
- All Lists $25
C. T. Rogers has just published the Illustrated Guide
of Franklin Mint Gaming Tokens - 1965 to 1969. This book contains
information about the tokens, including number minted, proof set information,
scans of the tokens, and a recommended price range. To purchase this book,
or if you have questions about it, please contact Chuck at
ctcoins@aol.com. |
I have 3 books for sale from the Franklin Mint.
The Franklin books are helpful when trying to identify tokens, what they looked
like, how many were made.
Numismatic Issues of the Franklin
Mint 1968 Edition (Covering the years 1965 - 1967) This
book is 127 pages long, and contains pictures and mintage numbers for all
casino tokens minted by the Franklin Mint in the above years. There is
also information about the materials the tokens were minted
with. Price: $15.00 |
Numismatic Issues of the Franklin
Mint 1969 Edition (Covering the years 1965 - 1968) This
book is 206 pages long, and contains pictures and mintage numbers for all
casino tokens minted by the Franklin Mint in the above years. There is
also information about the materials the tokens were minted
with. Price: $17.50 |
Numismatic Issues of the Franklin
Mint 1970 Edition (Covering the years 1965 - 1969) This
book is 336 pages long, and contains pictures and mintage numbers for all
casino tokens minted by the Franklin Mint in the above years. There is
also information about the materials the tokens were minted
with. Price: $20.00 |